Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Dates and Info.....FYI

                             For Your Information:)

 Friday 5/22  * Field Day!! 

           -  Our class color is ORANGE!!!  So send your child in an orange t-shirt. 

            -  We will eat lunch outside from 11-12. Students can sit on their towels to eat or in the grass.
            -  Third graders will have the "SOAK" so send in an extra change of clothes and a towel. 
            - I'll send home a checklist next week.

Monday 5/25  NO SCHOOL Memorial Day

Tuesday 5/26  Game Day

                         (Students can bring board games, card games or electronics)

                          *There will only be a short designated 'Screen' time and then devices will
                             be put away!  :)

Wednesday 5/27  Marketplace 10a.m.-12p.m.

                        * This is our culminating activity to raise money to help a family or village in need. 
                         Check out THIS SITE for a look at the organization Heifer International. 

Thursday 5/28  Moving On Ceremony 9a.m.

                    * Students will take a bus to Mason Mill park after the ceremony to play and enjoy their 
                       last days as 3rd Graders! 

Friday 5/29     Last Day of School/Last Community Circle! 

  I really feel so lucky to have all your support and generosity! I am going to miss my 18 children so much! We have become a little Soons family this year and I love your children dearly!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

15 Very Busy Days To Go!

Good Afternoon Friends!

     First I'd like to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all of books! I received so many books from the book fair and I really appreciate it! We are finishing up Pluto: A Wonder Story and then the children voted on the next read.  It is called Rain, Reign by Ann M. Martin. It sounds really good....I can't wait to find out.

  I've got lots to tell you so here goes:

1.     We've had a relaxing week learning about how we can serve others. We read Beatrice's Goat  by Page McBrier in order to learn about how something that may seem small to us can mean the WORLD to another.

Ask your child about the book and Heifer International! In the spirit of giving, paying it forward, and investing in the future.....the third grade will be having a Marketplace on Wednesday May 27th at 10 a.m. We will be selling our homemade goods to raise money to buy a goat, clean water, or a pig for a family in need!

2. The lock in is here! Bring your child with his/her jammies, toiletries, sleeping bag or air bed! Students can also bring board/card games, electronics (only if you think they need it in order to sleep) and their favorite comfort object. IT BEGINS AT 7PM AND ENDS AT 7AM.  Wish us luck! LOL~

3. Fish and tank.....If you'd like a free fish tank with 2 fish and all the fixin's please let me know! I am going to give it away. I am just not a great fish mommy and I don't know if I'll have the space for it next year.

4.  SeƱora Garcia is asking you to take a look at the sign up link below for Spanish Tapas day. Please sign up if you can!

Here is the link:

                                                    Here's a fly on the wall look at the week! 

ART Project with Aluminum Cans

Chuck Leavell at Woodland Garden

Origami for Marketplace

Marker Making & Duct Tape Purses

Original Signed Art

Habitat Terrariums

Homemade Jewelry

Pencil Toppers


More Pencil Toppers

See you at the LOCK IN!

Friday, May 1, 2015

A Long Week!

Hello Friends,
 It has been a long week of testing and your children have probably been quite exhausted and possibly cranky with you this week! Or maybe it's just me!
  We will be finishing up the GMAS today and your children have done a great job. They've worked really hard and they deserve a nice relaxing weekend!
  We did have the opportunity to do some SALSA dancing on Monday and we've spent the rest of our mornings reading, reviewing and  playing shopkins & pokemon. We've also watched a few Magic School Bus episodes to review some science concepts.
REMINDERS/Special Dates!

  • May 6 - 14       MAP Testing
  • May 7 @ 8:00 am   Community Circle @ Woodland Garden * You can met us there with your child. Attendance will be taken when we return to school that day. 
  • May 7             Ramblin' & Rollin': An Evening of Songs and Stories with Chuck Leavell
  • May 8 @ 7 pm  3rd Grade Lock-In
  • May 22           Field Day
  • May 28           WE 3rd Grade Moving on Ceremony

***We still need volunteers for Field Day!
***If you are willing to send in popsicles for the end of Field Day let me know.