Monday, August 28, 2017

Week 5!

Hello Everyone!
    We accomplished a great deal last week in room 216! Your child finished (or almost finished) MAP testing, dissected an owl pellet, created a food web, identified several food chains within that web, and  also worked on writing a personal narrative about a small impactful moment. Everyone is settling into the routines of the classroom and they are doing great work!

  If you are curious about Science.....ask your child to describe a food chain. What are producers, consumers, and decomposers? How does a food chain differ from a food web? What is an example of a simple food chain?
Building Food Webs

Dissecting Owl Pellets


  Important Dates and Announcements 

Wednesday 8/30 

AM: Walk and Roll to School 
 PM: 4th grade Curriculum Night @ 6pm

Author Visit: 9/1
Shannon Hale and illustrator LeUyen Pham will share their new graphic novel memoir, 

NO SCHOOL........Labor Day: 9/4

Zoo Field Trip: 9/7

4th Grade Village Gathering: 9/14 8:00 am

Fall Break: 9/18-9/22

Field trip Info from Ms. Newton & the 4th Grade Team Leaders:

Field Experiences at F.AVE
We are so excited to be able to offer a year long plan for our field experiences for both 4th and 5th grades. Our grade level leads, Gail Hardwick and Edwin Ellis, have collaborated with the teachers and compiled these guides of what is to come for the year. You have options of paying for field experiences in one payment or throughout the year. We are encouraging the one-time payment as it helps us all get organized and be prepared for these experiences in a timely matter. Please see your grade level list of field experiences and more information below.

Our first Walk and Roll to School Day of the year is next Wednesday, August 30th!

We hope that everyone will join in the fun!  Students who walk or ride their bike to school will be given a number and a marble when they arrive at school.  The number is for individual prize drawings, and the marble is for the chance for each grade to earn extra recess time.  Students will take their marbles to their classes to be collected and counted, and students with winning numbers will be sent to the media center to select a book as a prize!

Of course, not all students live close enough to school to walk or bike the entire way.  If you live far from F.AVE, consider letting your child take one of the Stop, Drop and Walk routes to school (click here for full route descriptions).  Students who walk these routes (or another route that is at least .4 of a mile in length) will also earn marbles and prize numbers.  This Wednesday, parent volunteers will lead walks along the four Stop, Drop and Walk routes to help students learn the way.  Departing locations and times are as follows:

East Davis Street, at the entrance to PATH, at 7:05
Thankful Baptist Church Parking Lot, near Mead Road, at 7:10.
McKoy Park, in front of the pool house, at 7:15.
Oakhurst Baptist Church Parking Lot, at 7:05.

If you have any questions or want to be part of the Safe Routes to School/Walk and Roll team, please contact Lisa Coronado Mauldin (  Thanks!  Hope to see you Wednesday!

Monday, August 21, 2017

It's A Total Eclipse of the Heart....I mean Sun!

I hope you all enjoyed the eclipse. While some children felt that is was anticlimactic, I think they loved learning about the solar eclipse.  Today was filled with eclipse math problems, eclipse guided research courtesy of NASA  and we even plotted the next 8 eclipses in our lifetime and calculated our age for each one (well..not mine) and 'aged' ourselves using a fun app.

In Science: We have been working hard learning about ecosystems, food chains and webs and photosynthesis. We are dissecting an owl pellet this week and we creating an interactive food web. If you'd like to play the Food Chain Game with your child CLICK HERE.

In Social Studies: We are beginning our unit on Native Americans. Your child will be learning about the structure of the communities in the Inuit, Nez Perce, Pawnee, Seminole, Kwakuitl, and Hopi tribes.

In Math:  We are finishing up our review of place value, rounding and addition & subtraction with 3-digit numbers. We will focus the next few weeks on solving multi-step word problems and explaining our thinking.

   Important Dates and Announcements 

    MAP Testing
 We will have make-up dates the following week on T-W-Th. which is the end of the testing window for Fall MAP.

         Math: Tuesday 8/22    8:20-9:2
         Reading: Wednesday 8/23  9:20-10:20
         ELA: Thursday 8/24     10-11
4th grade Curriculum Night: 8/30 6:00 pm

Author Visit: 9/1
Shannon Hale and illustrator LeUyen Pham will share their new graphic novel memoir, 

NO SCHOOL........Labor Day: 9/4

Zoo Field Trip: 9/7

4th Grade Village Gathering: 9/14 8:00 am

Fall Break: 9/18-9/22

A Fly on the Wall in Room 216

Monday, August 14, 2017

Week 2 in 4th Grade

Hello Everyone!
  We had a productive week last week. The children are adjusting to our new schedule and have been working to show what they know in their reading assessments and science & social studies inquiry lessons.
  Your child has had minimal homework so far. I will be discussing our F.Ave homework agreements at Curriculum Night on August 30th at 6pm. Until then, your child will need to read nightly as well as complete the math practice review pages for Friday. * If you find that the work is taking too long, please feel free to lessen the number of problems per page or send me a note and I can assign less work. 
   If you wouldn't mind, please fill out this survey if you are interested in sharing your expertise in our classroom this year!

   Important Dates and Announcements 

School Picnic: 8/18

    MAP Testing
 We will have make-up dates the following week on T-W-Th. which is the end of the testing window for Fall MAP.

         Math: Tuesday 8/22    8:20-9:2
         Reading: Wednesday 8/23  9:20-10:20
         ELA: Thursday 8/24     10-11

Eclipse Viewing: Monday 8/21

Students will have an extended day to view the eclipse. Read Ms. Newton's Newsletter for more information on how we plan to create a fun, educational and safe experience for your children. 
*Please note the we will have dismissal at 3:15 that day. If you need your child to check out early, you will need to do so with Ms. Plummer in the front office. If you would please email me to let me know, I can have your child ready to go! 

4th grade Curriculum Night: 8/30 6:00 pm

Author Visit: 9/1
Shannon Hale and illustrator LeUyen Pham will share their new graphic novel memoir, 

NO SCHOOL........Labor Day: 9/4

Zoo Field Trip: 9/7

4th Grade Village Gathering: 9/14 8:00 am

Fall Break: 9/18-9/22

A Fly on the Wall in Room 216