Monday, September 25, 2017

Term 2 is Underway!

Hello Everyone,
    Welcome back! I hope you had wonderful time on fall break whether you had a vacation or stay-cation! Your children shared their favorite moments from their breaks. Some highlights included: The Statue of Liberty, the beach, visiting with grandparents, cousins and friends, hiking the National Parks, exploring the National Mall in DC, visiting Nashville and sleeping in!
   We kicked off our Term 2 Unit of Inquiry on Friday before break. Our UOI Central Idea this term is: Exploration leads to discovery and develops new understandings.Your child will be learning about early explorers in Social Studies, and Space (attributes of planets and stars) in Science this term. We will also begin working on multiplication, area, perimeter and solving multi-step word problems using multiplication and division. We will explore non-fiction reading and writing skills and complete a research paper on a country of choice in writing.
   We will begin our 2-week long word study homework and activities this week. I will be sharing the work with your children tomorrow and we will practice sorting the words as well as working on Spelling City activities. This work will be due October 6th and your child will have a spelling test that day as well. The word study lists are tailored to your child's needs and were created based on his/her spelling inventory assessment.

Important Dates and Announcements 

CoGat Testing This Week

8:15-9:15    Tuesday and Wednesday
9:15-10:15   Thursday (changed to accommodate Village Gathering)

September 28th
4th Grade Village Gathering: 8:00 am
(Our class will be featured at this gathering)

October 4th   Walk and Roll to School 

October 7thMayor's Mile and 5K

October 9th 
Teacher Workday (no school for students)

October 10th 
Picture Day
October 27th
F.Ave Movie Night 6:45p.m.

A Fly on the Wall in Room 216

UOI Kickoff for Term 2


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Week 6 in Room 216!

Hello Everyone!

    Our first six weeks is coming to a close. I will be sending an email with a Google calendar link to sign up for Parent-Teacher conferences very soon. (I will be offering a Saturday date for those of you who may need to come on the weekend.)

Students will engage in their field study at the Zoo this Thursday.
***If you signed up to chaperone, you are welcome to meet us at the active oval at 9:00 am and ride the bus with us or you can meet us at the Zoo around 9:30. I will have your groups organized and directions for the field work ready for you!


1. The weather looks like it will be beautiful (😎  and 77!) but please be sure to check the weather in the morning and send your child in wearing appropriate clothing and sunscreen. Thank You!

2. Students will need to carry field work journals, writing supplies, a bottle of water and light snack. If you have a drawstring bag or small backpack like the one pictured below, please send it in!

3. Students who normally order school lunch have already ordered a sack lunch from the cafeteria. I will remind students who ordered and who didn't. Please be sure to pack a lunch for your child that can withstand being smushed in a cooler on the bus. (I will bring the biggest one I have)

       End of term testing will take place this week and next week. We will be practicing for the math, science and social studies assessments. Your child has a study guide to read through for Social Studies this week in lieu of reading 20 minutes. Students can also access Google Classroom to read the slides on Native American tribes. 

Important Dates and Announcements 

Zoo Field Trip: 9/7

4th Grade Village Gathering: 9/14  8:00 am
(Our class will be featured at this gathering)

Fall Break: 9/18-9/22

A Fly on the Wall in Room 216
Adaptations Stations




 We won the first Walk & Roll to school day contest! I would love to win EVERY SINGLE WEEK! Thanks for walking and rolling! 

Saturday, October 7, 2017 at 9:00am

F.AVE's second largest fundraiser is just over one month away! Everyone is encouraged to register before the t-shirt deadline of September 22. And don't forget that scholarships are available to any student that requests one. Online registration is easy and fast. Last week more hard copy registration forms went home in backpacks and a crew of volunteers visited every classroom to tell the students about the event and all the fun activities leading up to it including the Mayor For a Day Essay Contest.
In a new twist this year the fourth and fifth graders at F.AVE can participate in an essay contest called Mayor For a Day. The students will answer three questions that prompt them to offer ideas for ways they would improve or change our city as mayor and what they like about living here. Five students will be selected to be the commissioners and our Mayor for the Day. You'll see them grabbing photos and popsicles on race morning in the Mayor's tent at Harmony Park. Here's a message from Mayor Patti Garrett about the Mayor For a Day Essay Contest:
The 5K start is at 9:00am at the 4/5 Academy at Fifth Avenue (F.AVE). Then jump into the Mayor's Mile event starting in the Oakhurst Village at 9:45am with city leaders and former Decatur Mayors. Stay to enjoy the post-race party and awards afterward. Proceeds will benefit programs and enrichment opportunities offered by the F.AVE PTO and the Decatur Education Foundation. 

Proceeds will benefit programs and enrichment opportunities offered by the F.AVE PTO and the Decatur Education Foundation.

Register here at:

9:00am: 5K Race starts at F.Ave and ends in the Oakhurst Village
9:45am: Mayor's Mile starts and ends in the Oakhurst Village
Cost:  $25 for adults, $18 for 18 and under, $20 for CSD or CoD employees

My Family Weekend

Dragon Con Parade

Cole & I riding the Beltline with my Sister in Law and Nephew 

Ziggy 'helping' me make my bed!