Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Countdown to Vacation Has Begun!

It's been a crazy busy usual! MAP testing is over and now the excitement for holiday gifts, activities, and family visits is setting in. I hope we can get some work done next week!

1. No RRJ due on Monday! (The children know this...but I wanted to keep y'all in the loop)
2. Math HW was due tomorrow but I told the children that they can bring it in and we will finish it in class tomorrow!
3. I apologize if  I put the wrong date on the Government test. We took it yesterday. I think everyone did quite well. It's really more of a measure for me to see where/what I need to re-teach. Government is a tough and complicated concept for 8 year olds. (and 40 year olds!)
4. There is no community circle tomorrow but we will have it next week.
5. Our Winter Brrr....eakfast is next Friday immediately following Community Circle. I will ask Ms. Lofstrand for a procedure so that y'all aren't standing around waiting to sign-in. I'll get back to you on that.

Even though we had testing..we still managed to learn about Non-fiction text features, we began looking at text structures, we dug for minerals in our cookie rocks, and discussed area and perimeter. The students also managed to learn about Pompeii...which was not part of my plans, but they were super interested in it after reading a text about volcanoes!

We have also started reading The Mighty Miss Malone  by Christopher Paul Curtis.  If you want to know more about the book click HERE for a review and synopsis.

AND....Here they are!

Check Out the ROCK WALL..............................
We wrote what we knew already.......

We did some reading and added to our knowledge...

In case you are wondering about DIVISION....we are not learning to use long division yet. (That's 4th grade) This is how we solve division problem. If the dividend is not evenly divide then we have a remainder. 

Cookie Rocks and Minerals!

Mr. Soons and I at a MADMEN Party last weekend

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