Thursday, April 24, 2014

Calendar of Events.....Updates and Info!

Hello Everyone,
   We are planing some fun things in the next few weeks to celebrate our inaugural year at GLOBE and of course the end of CRCT testing! We will be working on making our persuasive speeches even better, spending a little time learning about and writing poetry for our Poetry Cafe Day, and we will be learning how to plan a Trek Across America! Check the blog to see what we are up to! 

Below is a the calendar of events:
Tuesday April 29th...  Science CRCT

Wednesday April 30th... Social Studies CRCT

Thursday May 1st....THIRD GRADERS can wear their jammies and bring a sleeping bag for our "CRCT IS OVER " Celebration! We are going to reward our hard work with some snacks and movies..(probably FROZEN.....Can you believe that I have yet to see it!) 

Friday May 2nd....Send in $3 for an afternoon of Spanish culture for Cinco De Mayo! ! See the message I am copying below to get more information about this. 
* I will not be at GLOBE on May 2nd so I thought it would be a great activity for the kids! 

Wednesday May 7th...MAP TESTING Reading

Thursday May 8th...MAP TESTING Math

Friday May 9th...  Sensations! Ms. Price suggested an end of the year 3rd grade fun day at Sensations. We have some money left over from our Marketplace/Wonder Monument so we thought we'd  use it towards admission to Sensations . The tickets for our group will be between $10-12. We would need parent volunteers to drive 3-4 kids or more if you have a van. Parent admission is free. More info to come....look for a sign up genius with specific time and date.

Tuesday May 20th...Poetry Cafe. Come and join our Poetry Cafe to see and hear your young writer's share their favorite poems as well as their personally penned poetry! I will post the program as we get closer to the date. 

Wednesday May 21st..Field Day

Friday May 23rd....Awards Ceremony in the classroom.....Goodbye Friends, Hello Summer!   (12:00 dismissal)  
  ***Our new and improved Progress Reports will go home along with Writing test and MAP scores.***

CINCO DE MAYO INFO: From Senora Waldman

There will be a CINCO DE MAYO celebration on Friday May 2nd. There will be 2 performances K-1 from 12:00 to 1:00and 2-3 from 1:00-2:00 parents ARE NOT able to attend due to fire regulations. 

I need you to email your parents asking for $3 per child so the performance can take place. 


Our program, “Let's Learn Spanish Language and Culture Through Flamenco,” is tailor-made for young audiences at the Elementary school level, Middle and High school level, or even University level.

“Let’s Learn Spanish Language and Culture Through Flamenco” is not only a flamenco show, but it is also an interactive and educational program that can be customized to teach students about the cultural underpinnings of flamenco dancing and music, Spanish language (numbers, vocabulary, and other relevant topics that teachers would like us to reinforce during our show), and virtually any other Spanish related language or cultural topic being studied by the students. In every show, we would like to expand the students’ cultural horizons by teaching them about flamenco, and use flamenco rhythms and music to reinforce the curriculum that the students are learning in their classrooms. By using flamenco props such as castanets, fans, colorful dresses, guitars, hats, special flamenco tap shoes, and box drums, and by using interactive exercises to teach the flamenco beat and some basic flamenco dance steps to the students, we allow the students to learn not only by seeing but also participating in live flamenco dancing.

During our performances, we demonstrate several flamenco musical pieces that include live guitar and singing, box drum playing, castanets, fans, hats, and energetic dancing. We teach the students that “flamenco” does not consist of only one type of music and dance, but several types of songs from different regions of Spain that express different moods and that require different dance techniques. We perform as many different types of songs and dances as the venue requires. We also teach the students a few flamenco steps and have them dance with the performers to some “Rumba Flamenca,” which is a very popular and festive style of music. We use “Pop Quiz Questions” throughout our presentations as a unique way of reinforcing the things that the students have been learning during our shows.

Students really get a chance to participate throughout the show. They get to count the flamenco compás (beat), learn Spanish terms, use their palmas (clapping), and learn to dance some basic steps. Some of the students and teachers will also get called to the stage to participate and use some of the props that the performers have used during the show.

We understand the importance of offering performances that include activities that give students a well-rounded educational experience. Our performances and the activities included within them can be customized to cover a wide range of topics -- from learning a foreign language to geographical and cultural awareness and appreciating the arts. Our performances also provide opportunities for students to learn by doing. That is why our programs are not only fun, but also effective.


The beginning
Sevillanas (performing this popular folk dance with live guitar and singing)
Introduction (Flamenco vs. “Flamingo”), Where does flamenco come from?

The compás (the flamenco beat)
Learning how to count the compás to understand the music and the dancing
Audience participation counting the compás.
Dance using the compás with the students counting the beat.
Incorporate “pop quiz” questions where appropriate.

Instruments used in flamenco
La guitarra. El guitarrista. (guitar and guitarist)
Castañuelas (Castanets) brief explanation. Dance using castañuelas.
Abanico (Fan) brief explanation. Dance with abanico.
Cajón (box drum) Explanation. Footwork dance with the cajón.
Incorporate “pop quiz” question to continue student review.
Sombrero (hat).
Palmas (claps). Audience participation using palmas.

Students learn some steps and are taught how to do some basic and fun flamenco dancing
Using a Rumba Flamenca song (i.e. Volare, Bamboleo), some students and teachers are invited to come up to the stage and demonstrate what they have learned. They will use hats, castanets, abanicos, flamenco shirts, and shawls.

Students will be asked about the things that they have learned during the performance.
*Pop Quiz Questions will be asked throughout the whole show.

Thanks for your help, please let me know if you have any more questions,

Friday, April 18, 2014


Hello Friends,
  I hope you had a wonderful Spring Break!  We spent an hour on Monday morning talking about our trips and adventures. We even saw some fun photos! Thanks for sending them to me.

CRCT: You should have seen the CRCT testing dates and subject area schedule in your child's HW folder. If not, here is a photo of info.  I am sending a small amount of CRCT HW this weekend...If you'd like your kids to get a little extra practice please ask them to complete the work. We will go over it in class next week.
          ELA BOOKS PAGES 19-27 AND MATH PAGES 87-93 & 102-105

The kids are ready. I have been talking with them about taking their time on the test, getting a good night's sleep, and eating a protein packed breakfast! 

       We are doing a 3rd grade vocabulary activity game today in the cafeteria to review all of our key terms.  Our class had MATH words and the others subjects were divided amongst the other classes. The kids will socialize and talk about their words and definitions and then we will use our fun buzzers to compete against each other. The winners will earn the title VOCAB CLUB MASTER!!! We will also have popsicles (and then send your sugared up kids home!) Here's what the activity prep looks like.

  We finished Wonder and I cried! I am IN LOVE with this book! It will be part of my read aloud curriculum forever and ever! We are using the money from the marketplace to build a 3rd grade monument (ask your kids about the precept YOUR MEMORIES ARE YOU MONUMENTS) We also wrote our own precepts and hung them in the hallway. Here are the wise words of your third graders!

Chinese Culture
 The kids made "cell" phones with Wu Laoshi and recited phone numbers in Chinese!

  We (the teachers) have asked to push the French Performance and Market activity to May. It will probably be in the last 2 weeks of school. There is too much happening this month to be ready on May 1st and we want it to be meaningful and fun for the kids.

Absences: Unfortunately, I have to be out on Monday for a medical procedure. I wanted to put it off until June but my Dr. won't allow it. I apologize in advance for my know my TYPE A nature can barely stand missing work! The sub will have plenty of practice for the kids and lots of recess time to tire them out so they go to bed early!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


 The marketplace was buzzing today with our young entrepreneurs! I can tell that we have some artists, business owners, sales people, marketing managers, and advertising agency execs in our mix! The kids had a great time at marketplace today. We debriefed by using specific examples of our vocabulary as it was experienced in our very own market. Ask your kids to explain these words to you...

wants , needs, producers, consumers, supply, demand, opportunity cost, human resources, natural resources, capital resources, scarcity, monopoly, goods, services, specialization, bartering, and interdependence

Thanks to Ms. Morgan for planning our first annual GLOBE MARKETPLACE!!