Saturday, February 28, 2015

It's Been A While!

It was a short and bizarre week with our snow (without snow) days. Your children have been working diligently to complete their non-fiction books. You may have seen some of the work come home with your child. I am very proud of the children for the work they have put into their booklets so we are going to celebrate and you're invited. Look for an invitation in your email this week! 

  Here are the details:  Friday, March 6th at 9 a.m. after community circle
                                                       Our Class Room 212 

Here's a look at what's been going on...

VALENTINES! Thank you for all the LOVE!

WINTER BREAK IN NEW ORLEANS.....I held a three week old most of the time! Cole climbed trees and it was a lovely visit with close friends. 

MATH REVIEW and HOMEWORK BOOKLET! You will be receiving a letter about this little book this week. 

BLUEGRASS BAND! We had an awesome assembly on Friday. The children enjoyed listening to  live music and learning about the instruments. 


Thursday, February 5, 2015

February Fun

Hello Friends!
   As always, it's been a busy week! I want to say THANK YOU to the parents who donated their time to log our new classroom books. I know that it was not an easy task! The books have been delivered to our classrooms and the children are super excited to get their hands into the boxes. We will spend some time tomorrow exploring what we got. (I'll try not spend time sniffing the books...I know it's weird..but new books smell so good!)
   We will need some volunteers on February 12th at 10 a.m. in the media center. Our 2nd round of GMAS bandwidth testing is scheduled that morning and we asked if it actual 3rd graders needed to test the system or if we could ask parents to sit in. The answer is: Yes, parents can sit in! If you are available, please email me and I will sign you up!
  Tomorrow morning at Community Circle the students will be singing a song that they learned in music class. I absolutely LOVE this song.

     In math we used the ipads to create shapes on a geo board app and then we wrote shape riddle comics using THIS SITE. The children are learning about polygons and their attributes. 

We've been learning how to CLOSE read text in order to gain better comprehension. We've read various biographies on our remaining Historical Figures and we have a new subscription to Scholastic News that has been a wonderful resource as well. CLOSE reading includes reading a particular text 3 times, focusing on a specific task each time. The children really like to text code!
See the chart for an example of this. 

    We also had some diversity training yesterday. We discussed the terms Disability, Difference, and Differently Able. Your children decided that we all have differences but we are all human and we each deserve to be happy and feel safe and loved. 



Sunday, February 1, 2015

Valentines Day!

Good Evening,
    I thought I'd knock out the info regarding Valentines Day since I am not interested in watching the Super Bowl :)
   We will exchange Valentines at the end of the day on Friday, February 13th. We usually have Mystery Reader or Game Time on Fridays so this will work out well. Below is a list of students' first names. I will talk to the children about what they'd like to do to celebrate during our morning meeting tomorrow.

Class Names:
1. Audrey
2. Max
3. Luke
4. Nate
5. Mira
6. Everest
7. Shohei
8. Theo
9. Aiden
10. Mia
11. Nora
12. Sophie
13. Vincent
14. Maddy
15. May
16. Andrew
17. Noemi
18. Iris