Monday, March 19, 2018

TERM 5 Week 4

  This is going to be short because I'll see you all on Wednesday at Night of Expressions! Since almost all of the students are doing Literary Cafe, we will begin at 6pm. The Black History Program is from 6:30-7 and then we will continue Literary Cafe from 7-7:30. If you want to come at 6 rather than 7, that is fine. Just show up and we will roll with it!
     The children have been working on their Speaking and Listening standards this week. Yesterday we discussed how  Volume, Pace, Expression, Body Language, Eye Contact and Preparation are the keys to a good presentation. I hope you enjoy their poetry!


Study The Alamo  and Texas Revolution on Google Classroom. We will have an assessment task on Friday that covers the signifigance of the Battle of the Alamo.

Student Led Conferences are now re-scheduled for April 11th from 4-6pm. I am going to change the Sign-Up Genius  . If you no longer want the same time, then you will need to cancel and re-schedule for a different slot.

Fly on the Wall View

Our # Activity in lieu of the Walkout


Monday, March 12, 2018

Term 5 Week 3

Hello Everyone!
    We've got homework this week...............

   Study the War of 1812 slides on Google Classroom. We will have an assessment task on Thursday that covers the causes and effects of the war. 

In Social Studies: We are learning about The War of 1812, The Alamo, and The Oregon Trail
In Science: We are also working on the forces of push & pull and simple machines 
In reading, writing, and ELA:  We are learning about how to read research and pay close attention to the way author's convey point of view and perspective.
In Math: We are plotting decimals on the number line and comparing decimals to the hundredths.

   We have some major schedule changes to share with you regarding Student Led conferences. We have changed the date in order to re-schedule Night of Expressions. We have also changed the times for NOE so I have updated the NOE document to reflect the changes. I am still unsure about the exact time for chorus but I will check and get back to you.

Here's the breakdown:

Night of Expressions is going to take place on March 21st from 6-7:30.  The schedule is different now since the book fair is over. Here is the new order of operation.

6-6:30   Session 1 Literary Cafe (room 216)
6:30-7   Black History Program

7-7:30   Session 2 Music, PE, ART Expressions

Student Led Conferences are now re-scheduled for April 11th from 4-6pm. I am going to change the Sign-Up Genius  . If you no longer want the same time, then you will need to cancel and re-schedule for a different slot.

And finally..we are going to Legoland on Thursday. I could still use one more chaperone so if you are interested, please email me! We will leave around 9:15 and return at 2pm. 

What goes up.....

Monday, March 5, 2018

Term 5 Week 2

  We had a great week back after winter break! We are diving into the new standards and getting ready for Night of Expressions and Student Led Conferences coming up in 2 weeks. I will send out a sign up for those a little later this week.

In other news:

**Be sure to check the red folders tonight, your child's report card is in there!
**Our class is out of tissues so if you have box to spare, please send them in!

** We have class photos tomorrow and Night of Expressions on Wednesday. Just click the links below for more info. I think I covered it in my email on Thursday, but please don't hesitate to email me if you have questions!

Important Dates

Tuesday 3/6 Class Photos

Wednesday 3/7 4th Grade Night of Expressions   6pm

Thursday 3/15  Legoland Field Trip

Wednesday 3/21 4th Grade Student Led Conferences

Friday 3/23 FAVE Movie Night 6:45 pm

Fly on the Wall View

4 Square Action!

Would You Rather Data Collection

Sound Proofing Experiment