Thursday, January 9, 2014


 Hello Friends! I hope that everyone had a lovely winter break, my husband and I enjoyed our trip to Spain and I am still a bit jet lagged! I fall asleep every night at 8pm with Cole and then I am up 3 a.m. every morning. The good thing about that is that the house is quiet and I have watched the entire 1st season of Scandal. (It's very good btw...)

  I wanted to send a great, big, heartfelt THANK YOU for all of the gifts and goodies I received for Christmas. I am amazed and grateful for your thoughtful and kind gifts! I have worn my scarves ( a girl can't have too many my opinion) and earrings, sipped on delicious coffee in my new mug, and travelled in style with my new make-up bag and new music courtesy of the itunes card! I have gift cards galore  and cash to use for a little shopping trip I am planning with my girlfriends in a few weeks. I thank you so much for generosity. I am a very lucky lady.  (I also need to lose about 5 pounds from all the goodies....I ate the seasoned pretzels on the plane to Spain and we had the Alon's cake for dessert with friends on Saturday before Christmas)

I'd also like to thank you for coming to our party and basically planning it! :) It was a huge help to have you all there helping with the games that Mrs. Hudson planned. I think the kids had a great time!

Here are few iphone photos of Spain...Ken (aka Ansel Adams) takes tons of photo with his fancy camera and I'll post some of those later....


Cordoba and Granada: Mezquita, Alhambra, & Ruins

Granada Old Town & Ruins

We are finishing up our informational writing unit and the students have worked very hard on their booklets. If your child has not finished, he or she will be bringing it home over the weekend to complete it. Here are a few finished projects:

L: Cover Photos and Content  R: Draft to Published Page


  We finished our unit on Greece before break but I'd like the students to expand their knowledge by creating a brochure on Greece. This will add to our informational and persuasive writing units as well as provide a challenge for the students to read about a topic and analyze and synthesize the information. They will need your help with using the web or checking out books at your local library. I will send a rubric and checklist home as well as the brochure template. The template is 4 pages long, however, if your child only needs 3 pages to meet the requirement that is fine too. This will be due at the end of the month. I am thinking JANUARY 31st. Of course I would encourage the kids to complete it before then but I want them to have enough time to enjoy the next few weekends. 

That is all for now....

Next Week We begin:

Persuasive Writing: Speeches, Petitions, Editorials
Adverbs, Words with Multiple Meaning, Possessives

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