Thursday, May 29, 2014

Happy Summer!!! ONE LAST LONG POST! (sniff sniff)

I can't believe another school year has gone by, and what an amazing year it has been! Really...this has been the best year of my career and I thank you all so very much! It was so nice to be supported and trusted. We had such a fun year. Thank you for all of the gifts and cards and kind words...I cried on Friday morning a bit but it really hit me yesterday when we had our final staff brunch. I am so lucky to have been a part of GLOBE. It is truly a magical and wonderful place. I will miss it dearly.
     I am so proud of all of the kids too. Each and every child passed the CRCT in EVERY SINGLE AREA and most children exceeded the standard in one or more of the subject areas! You should be getting an email from GLOBE once the individual score sheets are in. I have the summary sheet here at home in case you have questions or curiosities. Just email me! (I'll shred them once I know you have your scores)
    Enjoy your's a glimpse of the pool construction.....

Also, Mr. Cole finished Pre-K today....they grow up too fast....I love every second of his little self! 

     Now for Summer Learning!!! (Just click the underlined links)

MATH: It's going to get  a bit harder next year.....

Below is a great website that breaks down MATH and provides a packet of work you can print out and work on if you feel the need! Your child WILL NEED HELP with it so this only if you want to teach your child the concepts first and then work on a few of each of the problems. *Some of the kids will actually WANT to do it all...but completing 50+ math problems is in no way going to help your child learn how to do the work. :) If they can do 2-3 correctly they've got it! 

Use THIS packet ! It was made by another teacher so ignore the intro page.

Social Studies: After looking at the CRCT scores, I noticed that the kids excelled in every area in which we completed a major project...We did not do one for the branches of government so use THIS SITE and do the activity...I'll be using it next year with 3rd grade!

Next year they will be learning about the early explorers, Native American Indians, original 13 colonies, Revolutionary War, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, etc... See the standards HERE!!!
You can learn about 4th grade standards by watching Brainpop videos (use dscs for username and password) and doing the quizzes! You can also read books with your kids about any of these topics. 

Use THIS BOOK LIST for Native Americans, or THIS LIST for most of the topics to be covered!

 Stars, solar system, water cycle, weather patterns/charts/instruments, light, sound, force & motion, ecosystems, food chains and pyramids........

1. THIS GAME is fun for ecosystems and food chains & webs
3. I love THIS SITE for learning about the solar system
4. For the water cycle and other fun science stuff click HERE

Also try these books...

AND as always....READ READ READ AND DISCUSS! :) We started reading the sequel book to WONDER...IT IS A MUST READ THIS SUMMER!!!

If you are looking for more great reads check out THIS SITE!

Have a great summer. LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU!! 

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