Thursday, August 27, 2015

Week 4 Complete!

Hello Friends,
  Week 4 has is winding down and it's been a very productive week! We've been busy learning 3rd grade content and practicing our routines in the classroom.

* I have posted useful links on the right hand side of the blog for easy access. I'm going to play with making a symbaloo later next week but they are listed for now!

* We practiced for Community Circle last week and will continue this week. The songs we are learning in music are so're going to love it!

* Next Friday is the DBF walking field trip to the Square!

This week in :
MATH= Place Value
* We practiced naming numbers to the hundred thousands place, telling the value of the number in that place. (5 in the 10's place has a value of 50..)

Science: Georgia Habitats
* Each group is studying one habitat and making notes on it in order to create a collaborative google slides presentation to use for teaching the rest of the class. (Jigsaw Learning!) The children will learn how to use Google Slides and will be able to create and  edit their project simultaneously! I am going to teach them how to make comments on each others slides as well.

Reading= Building a reading life.
* Students have been learning about how to log and track books they read as well as graph the genres in order to set reading goals for themselves. Today we looked at Biblionasium and discussed ways to search for, share and recommend books to our friends. Your child has a login info sticker in his/her reading log! Ask them to show you the site. We will spend time navigating it tomorrow!

Writing: Personal narratives

* Students are learning how to 'jot' ideas for writing and to write about a small moment in their memory using 'how and why' details. 

The most exciting thing about this week is that I got the latest Wonder story from pre-order and I can't wait to read Charlotte's chapter. I'm going to wait until we are done with the first book so that I can read it for the first time WITH the children! There is something so fun about reading new books with children! 

Have a WONDERFUL weekend! 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Allie the Alligator!

 Just a quick post...your child has been watching Allie the Alligator in class as part of our habitats study. The children asked if I could send the link.      
                                                   CLICK HERE FOR THE LINK!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Thanks for Joining Me Tonight!

I hope tonight's session was informative! If you have any other comments, questions, concerns...please let me know!

Here are the photos from our week!

"The Important Thing collaboration with ART"

Maps and Phonics

Writing our own math word problems

Collaboration in PE

Mrs. Yoo sent this to me...she says it's me! :)


Thursday, August 13, 2015

It Just Got Real Folks....

     It's really really official now, your child is a 3rd grader! Let the learning begin! We are now getting into the swing of the routines and procedures and we've started pre-assessments as well. The children are loving their new found freedom of choice seating and they are acting very responsibly.
     If you'd like to add to the choices you can purchase a Backjack floor chair for the classroom. HERE is the link! Thank you to those of you who have already purchased one or sent in a ball chair! (We do not need any more balls at this time.)
      This week we took our math and reading pre-assessments, began exploring bar graphs, and we wrote about our Hopes & Dreams. We also learned a bit about formatting in writing both with pen and paper and Microsoft Word. The students are already using their flash drives to save their work. 

    Up next week we will begin studying various maps of Georgia and the United States, complete our work on graphing by adding pictographs and line plots to our repertoire, and begin writing personal narratives. I will also send the first reading response homework on Wednesday. 

  We've got an upcoming field trip to the Decatur Square on Friday September 4, 2015 at 9:45 a.m.(you should have received a permission form and order form in your child's blue folder). If you are interested in walking with us as a chaperone, please email me and I will take the first 5 parents! The author will begin at 9:45 so we will need to begin walking around 9:15 or so. We will walk back at 11:00. 

Thank you for another great week! Here's what we've been up to. 



Friday, August 7, 2015

Our First Week!

Hello Friends,
  It's been a great a first week in Third Grade! The children have been working on our class contract, identifying what it takes to work in collaborative groups, learning about classroom procedures and getting to know each other's personal and academic interests.

1.  If you haven't already turned in your blue parent handbook form, the walking field trip permission form or your OPT-OUT form, please send it in asap. The Opt-Out form is very important because it dictates whether or not I am allowed to post photos of your child on the blog as well as gives the district permission to use your child's image in the school building or on the CSD website. I only need the form if you DO NOT give permission. I have received a few but I want to make sure so if you would please send me a private email that says, "Please do not photograph my child", I would appreciate it! THANKS!

2. Dismissal changes....if you have a late dismissal change, please know that I have planning in the morning and often do not get to check email until after school. I will check at lunch most days however, if you have a change PLEASE call Susie in the front office to let her know. She sends a change notice to me (on her cute little note pad) and then I tape it to the door so we don't forget!

3. Agenda planners will come home everyday...(still working on it!) ...your child will write our HW in it. For now, it is going to be reading for 30 minutes each night. Next week , I will send a small amount of math as well.

Here's 'A Fly on the Wall' view of this week!

         Collaborative Work: Cup Turning and The Marshmallow Experiment

                                                            Sharing Our ME bags!

Classroom Contract! 


                                                               Alternative Seating!


Your childrens' favorite thing about third grade so far...

1. Marshmelo tawer.Rosie
3. marshmelo tawer henry4
5.Playing soccer at recess-Lawson B.
8. I like reading WonderAbigail C.
9.I like everything.-Jacob A.
10.homework Albert
12. Soccer-cannon
13. I like reading Wonder Maya A.
14.friend claire
20.homework .anna
21. I like reading Wonder-Aidan .T
22. I  like  everything - piper. w