Thursday, August 13, 2015

It Just Got Real Folks....

     It's really really official now, your child is a 3rd grader! Let the learning begin! We are now getting into the swing of the routines and procedures and we've started pre-assessments as well. The children are loving their new found freedom of choice seating and they are acting very responsibly.
     If you'd like to add to the choices you can purchase a Backjack floor chair for the classroom. HERE is the link! Thank you to those of you who have already purchased one or sent in a ball chair! (We do not need any more balls at this time.)
      This week we took our math and reading pre-assessments, began exploring bar graphs, and we wrote about our Hopes & Dreams. We also learned a bit about formatting in writing both with pen and paper and Microsoft Word. The students are already using their flash drives to save their work. 

    Up next week we will begin studying various maps of Georgia and the United States, complete our work on graphing by adding pictographs and line plots to our repertoire, and begin writing personal narratives. I will also send the first reading response homework on Wednesday. 

  We've got an upcoming field trip to the Decatur Square on Friday September 4, 2015 at 9:45 a.m.(you should have received a permission form and order form in your child's blue folder). If you are interested in walking with us as a chaperone, please email me and I will take the first 5 parents! The author will begin at 9:45 so we will need to begin walking around 9:15 or so. We will walk back at 11:00. 

Thank you for another great week! Here's what we've been up to. 



1 comment:

  1. Yeah Backjack are awesome I loved the blog of them which is creative.
