Friday, August 7, 2015

Our First Week!

Hello Friends,
  It's been a great a first week in Third Grade! The children have been working on our class contract, identifying what it takes to work in collaborative groups, learning about classroom procedures and getting to know each other's personal and academic interests.

1.  If you haven't already turned in your blue parent handbook form, the walking field trip permission form or your OPT-OUT form, please send it in asap. The Opt-Out form is very important because it dictates whether or not I am allowed to post photos of your child on the blog as well as gives the district permission to use your child's image in the school building or on the CSD website. I only need the form if you DO NOT give permission. I have received a few but I want to make sure so if you would please send me a private email that says, "Please do not photograph my child", I would appreciate it! THANKS!

2. Dismissal changes....if you have a late dismissal change, please know that I have planning in the morning and often do not get to check email until after school. I will check at lunch most days however, if you have a change PLEASE call Susie in the front office to let her know. She sends a change notice to me (on her cute little note pad) and then I tape it to the door so we don't forget!

3. Agenda planners will come home everyday...(still working on it!) ...your child will write our HW in it. For now, it is going to be reading for 30 minutes each night. Next week , I will send a small amount of math as well.

Here's 'A Fly on the Wall' view of this week!

         Collaborative Work: Cup Turning and The Marshmallow Experiment

                                                            Sharing Our ME bags!

Classroom Contract! 


                                                               Alternative Seating!


Your childrens' favorite thing about third grade so far...

1. Marshmelo tawer.Rosie
3. marshmelo tawer henry4
5.Playing soccer at recess-Lawson B.
8. I like reading WonderAbigail C.
9.I like everything.-Jacob A.
10.homework Albert
12. Soccer-cannon
13. I like reading Wonder Maya A.
14.friend claire
20.homework .anna
21. I like reading Wonder-Aidan .T
22. I  like  everything - piper. w

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