Thursday, October 22, 2015

Working Hard in Room 212!

 Hello Friends,
       We've been plugging away at learning our standards everyday. The children are shaping up to be AMAZING AWESOME 3rd graders! I am very impressed! :)
* Thanks so much for sending in the permission slips and entrance fee for the field trip on the 4th. If you haven't signed the form yet, please send it in before next Friday. :)

* Our writing celebration is next Friday at 8:40. Please let me know via email if you will NOT be able to attend and I can make sure there is a teacher or support staff friend who will come and listen to your child's story. The celebration will last about 20-30 minutes. Your child will have a few pieces of work to share with you and I will have sparkling cider and snacks for everyone. This celebration is meant to show your child that his/her writing matters and that it can reach an audience beyond the classroom. We have been working our fingers to the bone! You are in for a TREAT!! Their stories are really good!

In MATH: We are continuing to practice X and division. We looked at a photo of a solar farm and made estimates about how many panels we thought there were. Then we decided what information we needed to solve the problem. Most groups estimated in the millions.....the answer was more like 3,000.

In art the children are preparing a clay piece for Dia De Los Muertos

      In Reading we finished the biography of Susan B. Anthony (next week is Paul Revere)

In Spanish, the children are writing sentences about their daily schedule

......and my family went on our very first camping trip last weekend!

Have a beautiful weekend! 

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