Thursday, October 15, 2015

Fall is Finally Here!


   We have had another productive week in rom 212.  We are getting ready for our field trip to the Dekalb History Center on November 4th. ******Please sign and return the permission form your child brought home on Wednesday. Also, I will be sending out an invite VERY SOON  for our Writing Celebration at the end of this month.....stay tuned.
 Reading:  We are working on Susan B. Anthony's Biography and we learned how to complete assignments in Google Classroom!
 Math: We are learning division strategies and problem solving.
SS/Science: Plant adaptations
Writing: Explode a moment, write a good ending, editing and revising with a peer. :)

Here's a look at our week:


Math Problems: Explaining our thinking

Dia De Los Meurtos Art Projects

Bookmarks for our Kinder Book Buddies

Writing Narratives

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