Monday, July 25, 2016

Welcome To Third Grade 2016!

Hello Friends,

    I'm glad you found the classroom blog! You may want to bookmark this site so that you can find it.  If you ever need to find it again, it is linked on the Westchester Website and in my email as well!

     I will post weekly, usually on Thursday nights. This is the place to find out all of the information you'll need throughout the year. (I don't generally send out mass emails.)

      I will also invite you to REMIND, so that you can receive texts or emails about urgent information such as transportation changes etc.... 
If you'd like reminders that tell you I've written a new blog post, you can sign up to FOLLOW BY EMAIL located to your right..........

Here's how it works:

1. Type in your email address
2. Look for an email in your inbox
3. Accept the terms
4. You will get a notification that I've posted

I am looking forward to meeting everyone! Our MEET & GREET will be on Thursday July 28th from 5:00pm-6:00pm immediately followed by an ice cream social from 7-8! 

****If you would please complete the form below, it will be helpful for the first week of school. ****

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