Monday, September 23, 2013

    We kicked off last week with our first of many lessons from our Partner Teacher Wu Laoshi. The students created Chinese lanterns, tried a taste of moon cakes, chose Chinese names, and learned some basic greetings. Today, Wu Laoshi attempted to teach the children a Chinese song...but they were slightly confused....SO WAS I!! Mandarin is not as easy to learn as French, that's for sure. We will keep listening to the song and least there was a lot of laughter! :)


  The students learned all about clothing in French last week. If you didn't get the video I emailed, just let me know and I'll re-send it to you. We listened to French Cafe music as we created artwork and labeled it in French. We had some really nice work...there were also some French aliens and a French Ninja!

This Week's Curriculum:

Reading: Questioning Strategies that aid in comprehension
Writing: Narrative Writing
ELA: Concrete and Abstract Nouns
Math: Multiplication with repeated addition and arrays
Science: ROCKS and Minerals  (*I have embraced my inner scientist..and I found some really great activities for the students...I realize that I can't shy away from dirt my whole life!  HA!)
SStudies: We are almost done with our Historical Figures


I haven't heard back yet about field trips or progress reports but I will certainly be asking at our stafff meeting tomorrow and I'll let you know. In the meantime, I will create a sign-up genius for individual conferences. I know that there will be a schedule coming from Brandi, but I thought I'd go ahead and get the ball rolling. Look for the sign-up link and answers to the other questions...coming soon! is a photo of your children having FUN Friday game time....they earned it! I just Love them!

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