(aka Me) I just had to say the words, "I rarely get sick"! Now, I'm sick!
The "funk" has officially infiltrated room 107! Myself and Wu Laoshi are both on our last leg, actually, I'm on my last lung! The Thanksgiving Break could not be at better time. We've lots of little ones coughing, sneezing, tummy aches and headaches this week. We've also had strep throat in the school building so be on the lookout for the signs.
On a more serious note, and in the spirit of providing full disclosure, mold has been detected in the building. I know that this is probably not news to you as this building is old and there have been findings in other classrooms. I am not surprised that we have additional illnesses popping up not only due to the weather changing its mind every other day, but also due to the fact that our HVAC unit was cleaned and "de-gunkified". My scientific hypothesis is that while the cleaning is a good thing, it stirred all sorts of mess into the air in the classroom. I've kept the heat off and the windows open all day everyday in hopes of clearing it all out of the air.
I am wondering if houseplants can help out with air quality in the room? I am no green thumb, but I'll give it a try! If y'all any thoughts, please let me know.
We finished our chapter book and it ended with the kids begging me NOT to stop reading! YES...even your kid...the one who doesn't want to read or do his/her reading response journal!
We will be using the vocabulary words from our chapters to delve deeper into learning words through context. The students will also have a RRJ assignment over the holiday. It will be glued inside their RRJ tomorrow.
Now that the story has ended, we don't know what happens to Jonas, Gabriel, or the community ......
If you were the author Lois Lowry, how would you write the next chapter in their story?
* Write about Jonas and Gabe's new lives OR write about the community after Jonas and Gabe's escape.
*Draw and color your visualization of the next chapter.
* Remember to circle the words you think are misspelled and use your writing conventions! *
Informational Writing Assignment:
Your child will be bringing home a loose leaf booklet upon which he/she can work on their informational booklets.
This is not an assignment that needs to be completed in its published form. I would simply like the students to conduct research on their subtopics/chapters and take notes. They have already created chapters and are working on an introduction. (Their chapters can always be changed or re-arranged if they don't seem to fit)
We will work together after the holiday break to stretch out their writing and publish their work.
An example of a Friend's Table of Contents |
Another Table of Contents |
The students are creating posters that focus on an issue or problem in today's world. Here are a few works in progress:
I will be focussing heavily on grammar, sentence structure, building words for spelling and reading fluency during the 4 weeks between Thanksgiving and Holiday Break. I am amping up the requirement for the RRJournals as well. I am setting the expectation that the students take initiative to edit their work, circle words that are misspelled (or thought to be) and identify the author's purpose for the book that was read.
I know I am forgetting something....but I am going to bed. :)