Thursday, March 27, 2014

MARKETPLACE and Habitats!

We are studying economics this week and we have decided to join together as a 3rd grade team and have a little fun! Please see the message below from Ms. Morgan! We will make posters about our goods in class, the students have been brainstorming their ideas for goods to make and sell. This is a simple little project for the kids to do over the weekend if they want to participate. If they do not choose to be producers, then they can be consumers instead!

Parents please join us for this exciting event!
Date: Tuesday, April 1st!!!! 
Time: 12:30-2:00
Where: Outside at the Flagpole
What to bring: a pocket of change to buy the goods being sold

**Please also send in $2.00 in change with your child so they can shop as well at some point. 

All money made will go towards our Wonder Monument being built for the butterfly garden in the spring. 

Students' goods should be made at home. Between 5-15 will be great. Posters will be made in school.

Thanks so much as always. 

Third Grade Team

Habitat Projects:
 The kids did an amazing job! I am super impressed! Here are the posters and dioramas. We also had 2 news reports, a powerpoint presentation and scripted play in which the student talked with a squirrel all about its habitat! I love these super creative little  young people!

See you all on Saturday night!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Magnets and Mustaches

We finished our magnet experiments..I'll be sending you the video of your child's experiments and the BEFORE segments of their persuasive speeches. We will be working on improving our speeches in the next few weeks and I will re-record them. (AFTER)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Hello Friends!

   I am going to list a little calendar of events for you since it seems like things are really busy lately.

Friday March 14th : Le Petit Prince Show in the Village Plaza/ French Projects Due

Thursday March 20th: Black History Program/ French Performance

Friday March 21st: Habitat Projects Due
            March 21st: MAP test scores will be emailed to you

Tuesday April 1st 3rd Grade Marketplace (will post details in a day or so)

April 7-11th Spring Break

April 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 29th, ad 30th CRCT testing

May 2nd- Mrs. Soons personal day off for a wedding (just an FYI)

May 5th-9th MAP testing (2 days, 45 minute sessions)

I will remind you as these events occur.

What We've Been Up To!
  It always amazes me that when I ask Cole about his day he says, "It was fun, I don't remember what I learned, or we didn't do anything today." Here are some of our latest lessons.....

Wu Laoshi preparing our vocabulary game wall!

Our new chart stand...THANKS SO MUCH !



AWESOME ART PROJECT: This is why your kiddos needed a photo from a place at home

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Habitat Project: DUE DATE EXTENDED 
  It seems that there is a French project due next week, so I decided to extend the habitats project due date to MARCH 21st.  The kids just need to choose one of the Georgia Habitats and include information about it according to the checklist. If they make a diorama, then they will need to include some of the information in written form. For example: they can write about how the habitat can change due to an environmental factors or human interaction on a 3x5 card and paste it on the diorama.

Here it is again:

                ga habitat project.jpg


 Project Due Date: MARCH 21st!
                  Students will create a report on their habitat of choice:

* Georgia’s Atlantic Ocean Habitat
                         *Georgia’s Coastal Plain Habitat
         *Georgia’s Piedmont Habitat
*Georgia’s Mountain Habitat
         *Georgia’s Swamp & Wetland Habitat

Guidelines:   Students will create a 3-D diorama, a news report, an information booklet or any other type of presentation that includes the elements on their checklist.

       ga habitatsproject.jpg

Name: _____________________________                  Date:_______________


_____    Show the location of your habitat in Georgia (You can use a map or a description. For example: The mountain region is  located in  northern Georgia. The Blue Ridge  are part of the Appalachian Mountain Range.)

_____ Include a description of your habitat’s unique features. (For example: rolling hills, many rivers, diverse ecosystem.)

_____  Include 3 or more animals that live in your habitat and the features of the habitat that allow them to live there.

___   Include special plants that live in your habitat and the features of the habitat that allow the plants to live there.

_____  Include an explanation of what will or could happen if the habitat is changed.  (For example: If we continue to chop down trees… we continue to pollute the water….)

HOMEWORK/Reader's Response Journals:

The RRJ assignment is specific this weekend.  We went over the assignment so the kids should be able to do this w/o your help.
Here it is!

MATH: Interactive Measurement and Data Notebooks!
Just a peek at today's lesson.