Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Habitat Project: DUE DATE EXTENDED 
  It seems that there is a French project due next week, so I decided to extend the habitats project due date to MARCH 21st.  The kids just need to choose one of the Georgia Habitats and include information about it according to the checklist. If they make a diorama, then they will need to include some of the information in written form. For example: they can write about how the habitat can change due to an environmental factors or human interaction on a 3x5 card and paste it on the diorama.

Here it is again:

                ga habitat project.jpg


 Project Due Date: MARCH 21st!
                  Students will create a report on their habitat of choice:

* Georgia’s Atlantic Ocean Habitat
                         *Georgia’s Coastal Plain Habitat
         *Georgia’s Piedmont Habitat
*Georgia’s Mountain Habitat
         *Georgia’s Swamp & Wetland Habitat

Guidelines:   Students will create a 3-D diorama, a news report, an information booklet or any other type of presentation that includes the elements on their checklist.

       ga habitatsproject.jpg

Name: _____________________________                  Date:_______________


_____    Show the location of your habitat in Georgia (You can use a map or a description. For example: The mountain region is  located in  northern Georgia. The Blue Ridge  are part of the Appalachian Mountain Range.)

_____ Include a description of your habitat’s unique features. (For example: rolling hills, many rivers, diverse ecosystem.)

_____  Include 3 or more animals that live in your habitat and the features of the habitat that allow them to live there.

___   Include special plants that live in your habitat and the features of the habitat that allow the plants to live there.

_____  Include an explanation of what will or could happen if the habitat is changed.  (For example: If we continue to chop down trees… we continue to pollute the water….)

HOMEWORK/Reader's Response Journals:

The RRJ assignment is specific this weekend.  We went over the assignment so the kids should be able to do this w/o your help.
Here it is!

MATH: Interactive Measurement and Data Notebooks!
Just a peek at today's lesson.


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