Friday, June 5, 2015

Farewell Friends!

  It is officially my first day of summer....our sweet classroom is all packed up and bare and very very quiet.
     We had a wonderful last few weeks of school. Field Day, Marketplace, Mason Mill Park!!! Our children are truly the luckiest 3rd Graders in the world and I feel like the luckiest teacher. I cried about 10 times on Friday not only because the children cried but also because of the beautiful gifts and notes you sent in. Thank you so very much for your support this year and your kindness. Thank you for trusting me with your babies.
     For our very last morning meeting we did 3 rounds of sharing. I asked the children to close their eyes and imagine the feeling of joy. I described how it feels and sounds to me. (They were all smiling with their eyes closed) Then I asked them to tell about the most joyful moment of third grade. Some answers included:
* the lock in  * the soak  * field day  * right now  *everyday  * Mason Mill Park  * Tellus Museum
* Greek Day  * Recess  * Community Circle  * the election  * making our farewell video

Next I asked the students to tell what they are looking forward to. We talked about how life is a series of ups and downs. You can't have joy without sorrow, love without hate, life without change and most importantly new beginnings without endings. Answers included:
* summer vacation  * meeting new people at F.AVE  * swimming this summer  * summer camp
* coming back to WE to visit

Finally I asked the students to reflect back on the 1st week of school and to think about their worries or fears. I asked them to tell about one way they felt they had grown or changed this year. Some answers:

* I got bigger  * I learned multiplication  * I learned how to be a better writer  * I learned how to think of others  * I learned not to worry about what others think or say  * I learned not to be self-centered  * I learned to be ok with change

Photos from MARKETPLACE!

If you haven't heard, we raised over $1,400 for Heifer is a photo of the allocation of funds....we decided with Mrs. Yoo's class on the last day of school. We donated money for
2 goats, 1 sheep, 5 flocks of chicks, 1 animal medical training, 2 water pumps and filtration systems, & 4 healthy homes. Click HERE to read more about each gift.



CLICK HERE  for  the link to the vimeo video: 3rd Grade Words of Wisdom

   So this is my last post for the class of 2024. I will miss your babies and I hope they always come back for a visit!


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