Thursday, October 2, 2014

A Bug (flu) and A Busy Week!

Hello Friends,
   As you my know I was out on Tuesday taking care of Cole. When the children heard he was sick, they made him a card complete with TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)! Such sweeties..

I was able to plan our entire Pollution Unit, gather all of the Math word problem resources I've been wanting to sift through, and I organized our guest room storage closet! I'm slightly Type a good way. 

Even with the change in schedule, we were able to finish our unit on Habitats and Adaptations. I can't wait to see all of the Dioramas! Mrs. Yoo's class will be doing a gallery walk in our room tomorrow to see all of the work you've done at home. Thanks so much for supporting your child while working on this project. All of the students are super excited and pumped to show what they've done. I'll post photos of them all this weekend. :)
  I sent home an experiment for your child to complete DUE OCT. 13th. If you have any questions, please email me.

We also worked diligently on character's traits which is a theme we will be exploring in depth this term. If you are reading with your child at home, you can discuss your impressions and opinions about characters in your book and provide evidence that supports your thought process. 
Character Traits Flip Book on MISS RUMPHIUS

Character Traits Graphic Organizer for Cynthia Rylant's Scarecrow
We are also working extremely hard on crafting our personal narratives. We learned about creating intriguing story leads, and asking clarifying questions with writing partners. I'm so proud of the work they are doing. Writing is such a long process and the students are learning how to work through the process well. Next week we will discuss how to write conclusions. Once the work is published and handwritten, the students will be working on publishing their stories using the laptops and publishing software. We will host an Author's Celebration along Mrs. Yoo's class to show off our books. More Info to come once we are all finished. 

Our LEADS anchor chart......copied from Flamingos & Butterflies blog........

The boys are reading their stories to one another & crafting thoughtful questions for their peers

M is writing a question for her friend's story

MORE questions...

Stretching our writing out........


We are finishing up our unit on Addition and Subtraction  with regrouping soon. This is a skill that will be re-visited throughout the year so don't worry if your child hasn't quite mastered it yet. We have also started working on problem solving and skip counting. If you don't already own a set of flashcards, please buy a set and work with your child on memorizing his or her facts. I will send a list of websites in the next few weeks.

    Social Studies
Lastly, we are starting our unit on Government in two weeks. The students will visit the Georgia State Capital Building on Oct 14th. Please sign and return the permission slip as soon as possible. It is located in your child's blue folder. 

Have a happy weekend! 

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