Thursday, October 23, 2014

Is it really almost November??

Time sure flies at WE!! We've had another busy week...I need a new line because we will pretty much never have a dull moment!

Important Dates:

October 27th-31st    Book Fair - Your child will bring home a wish list tomorrow.

October 28th     Pasta and Prose 5-7pm (Media Center) *Look for the orange flyer in your child's folder

October 29th   Author Visit   Marc Barnett & Jon Klassen

October 30th     Walking Field Trip to Woodlands Garden
* We will be doing a nature walk and scavenger hunt as well as making apple cider. If you'd like to join us let me know! All are welcome.

October 31st     Greek Day!!  Your child will be rotating through stations to learn how the Ancient Greeks lived. They will paint togas, eat Greek food, participate in Olympic Games and more....
Don't forget to send in a white pillow case and check out the sign-up genius to donate items for Greek Day.


*Remember, we are not dressing in costumes but we will wear our artwork!

November 1st  Daylight Savings Time Ends...Turn your clocks back!

November 4th  No School (Teacher Work Day)

November 5th  Mrs. Soons out for a personal day....I have a wonderful sub Mr. Mygrant!

November 14th  Turkey Project Due

November 21st   Thanksgiving Luncheon (Flyer will come home soon)

Wish List : For Math Games
Playing Card Decks

Turkey Project

 Your child brought home a "Turkey Project" today. Here is a copy of the directions.

This week we worked hard to learn about arrays and multiplication. We learned how about various strategies to help us remember our X facts,  we named the properties of X, and we have begun breaking arrays apart in order to think about X using the Distributive Property. We went to Mrs. Yoo's class to learn some fun new math games and we played X games on the computer. 

We are also working to publish our Personal Narratives and wrap-up our unit on Character Traits.

Next Month:

Math= Multiplication, Division, and Problem Solving (2 & 3 steps)
SS= Government Case Study
Science= Rocks & Minerals
Reading= Non-fiction
Word Study=Within Word Spelling Patterns, Adverbs

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