Change EQUALS Growth
Wow! What a week it has been. First I'd like to say thank you so much to all of you for the cards, emails, breakfast today and Pumpkin Bread!
Mr. Cole LOVES the pumpkin bread! |
I really appreciate your kind words and encouragement. Please know that the goings on of our Board have actually not had a whole lot of impact on me. I have been very busy with testing and parent teacher conferences. I am also not coming from the best situation so I am very accustomed to hiccups as well as change! We cannot grow as a school without going through some challenges. I learned from the first months working at GLOBE that growing and developing our amazing school would be challenging. The fact that we started a school year without a CO for our building, and pulled classrooms together in a matter of hours, is proof enough that GLOBE is a magical school with an amazing community of support!
Having said that, we met with our leaders and our partners at the Georgia Charter School Association yesterday and it was a very productive and clarifying meeting. All of our daily lives at GLOBE will go on, business as usual, and the Board will continue on its path to create a new Governing Board.
In the spirit of embracing change and growth we can also learn to embrace it with acceptance! We are lucky enough to have Richard Moore visit our school tomorrow! He travels with the Dalai Lama and tells his amazing
STORY. We will get to meet him and have a little chat with him! I myself am thrilled about this! :)
Also, we began our weekly series of Positive Discipline Training today with Felissa Covin. I learned so many valuable things today alone that I can utilize both in the classroom and at home with Cole! The PD model is based on the philosophies of Alfred Adler and Rudolf Dreikurs.
"A child needs encouragement like a plant needs water" R.D. I AGREE!!!

One more thing! Not only have we received our reading and writing workshop units, but we are also registered for a training conference with LUCY CALKINS on November 15th! She is the guru of reading & writing workshop and I am extremely excited to learn from her first hand!
Last but not least, I am officially a cool kid with the addition of my new jewelry!
COGAT TESTING went well. Mr. Sanders is testing our class and I am testing in 1st grade. I have learned that 1st graders are exhausting! I am super glad I am a 3rd grade teacher!
We will be getting our progress reports ready and doing some training next week on Monday & Tuesday. I hope y'all will get a little break or getaway while we're off! ITBS will be administered on Wedneday, Thursday and Friday next week as well as Tuesday and Wednesday the following week.
EXTRA SPECIAL those of you who have donated to the fund for the magnetic white boards in the classroom! We have enough for one board and I am thrilled to say goodbye to this hunk a junk! Au Revoir!
Wu Laoshi delved into the art of calligraphy this week. The kids did a great job and seemed to really enjoy it! They really love their new teacher and she is now part of the family!
We had one impromptu lesson in French today since Madame Buntin offered to stay past her regular hours to work on a lesson with the kids. I will be sending you a video via email! The students also practiced their use of feminine and masculine! :)
Have a great weekend everyone!